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Title: Formation of Product Promotion Strategies of Companies Producing Computer Games
Author(s): Polous, Olha
Mykhalchenko, Inna
Radchenko, Hanna
Lysenko, Olena
Pysmenna, Kateryna
Granting Institution: Hochschule Anhalt
Issue Date: 2024
Extent: 1 Online-Ressource (8 Seiten)
Language: English
Abstract: The research actuality of the study is due to the fact that it is vital to understand the economic implications of promotional strategies, companies can use modern insights to optimize their marketing budgets, ensuring that their promotional activities yield the highest possible return on investment. Aim of the paper is to evaluate the evolving strategies used by companies to promote their products for the release of computer games, aiming to identify effective digital marketing tools, understand regional and cultural marketing nuances, and uncover innovative promotional tactics. In order to achieve the research goal, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, logical and situational analysis and specific methods inherent in management sciences (subjective-objective approach, economic and statistical analysis, method of ranking, grouping, comparison, classification) were used. The practical and theoretical relevance of this study is that it can be valuable resource for understanding the complexities of video game promotion in the digital age. By analysing EA's approach and considering emerging trends, we aim to offer insights that can help companies adapt and thrive as the industry evolves.
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0(CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT (ICAIIT)

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