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Title: Technology of computer monitoring of the quality of educational process
Author(s): Monastyrskaya, Tatiana
Poletaikin, Alexey
Shevtsova, Julia
Melekhina, Elena
Issue Date: 2021-04-28
Language: English
Abstract: This research aimed at developing operational assessment tool to minimize the university risk background with the purpose to raise the quality of the educational process. The original mathematical approach is proposed as a means to solve the problem of assuring the quality of education. The method of modified risk thermometer and binary fuzzy relations composition were used as the basic methods of sociological monitoring data analysis to measure the satisfaction of students with educational process. The method of modified risk thermometer identifies the risk background of the educational process, defined by the Key Risk Indicators. The method of fuzzy analysis allows to consider and minimize the existing uncertainty of the educational process and risk background. It is shown on the example that if the university risk background is of high degree, it necessitates taking the complex of management decisions to improve the situation with the risk background. The theoretical significance of the research is in development of the methodology of educational computer monitoring. The application of this methodology raises satisfaction of students and teachers with educational process, objectivity of management decisions and their implementation into educational process in order to normalize the risk temperature, which is the practical significance of the research. The degree of this condition corresponding to the normal one is defined at the next stage and needs taking further management decisions. The described methodology is a universal and efficient tool to revaluate the activity of not only universities but also of any company at risk as well as to organize the process of risk management in social and economic systems.
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0(CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT (ICAIIT)

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