Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft : [113] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 113
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Advanced Technology Adoption : Determinants and Labor Market Effects of Robot UsePlümpe, Verena
2023Three Essays on Cross-Firm InteractionsMcShane, William
2024Consolidation and concentration : the consequences of banking regulationAlert, Marie Elisabeth
2023Optimizing strongly restricted loading problems with containers and palletsKrebs, Corinna S.
2023Five Essays on The impact of business taxation and tax planning on investment and wagesKnaisch, Jonas David
2023Multi-criteria decision support for the planning of multimodal itinerariesHorstmannshoff, Thomas
2023Demand management and vehicle routing in dynamic ride-sharing systemsHaferkamp, Jarmo
2023Energie- und Infrastrukturinvestitionen unter Unsicherheit : eine modelltheoretische Untersuchung von RealoptionenBriest, Gordon
2023Internationalization of digital firms : an analysis of the moderating effects of digitally enabled capabilitiesBrenner, Constantin Cyprian
2022Three extensions to the repair kit problemRippe, Christoph
2023Nutritional effects on consumer choice behavior : investigating the influence of caffeine on the attraction effect, compromise effect, and choice deferralCanty, Michael Abderrahman
2023Three essays on unethical behavior : the role of generalized reciprocity, discrimination and normsWaibel, Joschka
2022Zinsbuchsteuerung in Regionalbanken : eine Analyse zur Weiterentwicklung der SteuerungspraxisKowallik, Matthias
2022Essays in financial economicsMueller, Isabella
2022Essays on firm wage differentials and industrial relationsNeuschäffer, Georg
2022Self-determined voluntary gender targets : an anlysis of target ambition, follow-through, and employee perceptionsPenter, Marie-Luise
2022Bewertung interorganisationaler Unternehmensnetzwerke mittels Realoptionen unter Berücksichtigung pfadabhängiger ProzesseMangelsdorf, André
2022Unintended side effects of financial market interventions on banks and firmsSondershaus, Talina
2021Whistleblowing as a means to detect and prevent fraud : four essays from different behavioral and economic perspectivesOelrich, Sebastian
2021Regionalbanken und räumlicher WettbewerbMelcher, Patrick-Paul
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 113