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Title: S. Isaaci Antiocheni doctoris Syrorum, opera omnia. Ex omnibus, quotquot extant, codicibus manuscriptis cum varia lectione Syriace Arabiceque primus edidit, Latine vertit, prolegomenis et glossario auxit G. Bickell.
Other Titles: Opera omnia
Part: Ps. 2
Author: Isaac <Antiochenus>Look up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Contributor: Bickell, GustavLook up in the Integrated Authority File of the German National Library
Published: Gissae : Rickeri, 1877
Extent: 353 S.
Annotations: Teilw. in syr. Schr., syr.
Language: Latin
Classical Syriac
Online Edition: Halle (Saale) : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, 2010
Original Publication: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, D Dc 2295 (2)
URN: urn:nbn:de:gbv:3:5-24822
Open Access: Open access publication
License: Public Domain Mark 1.0Public Domain Mark 1.0
Appears in Collections:Drucke

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