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Title: Development of physical and psychological states graphs of people and their software implementation in the tasks of evacuation modelling
Author(s): Yurchenko, Ekaterina
Shulga, Irina
Tugarinov, Mikhail
Shelekhov, Igor
Torgaev, Stanislav
Granting Institution: Hochschule Anhalt
Issue Date: 2021-04-28
Language: English
Abstract: The purpose of the presented in the article results is to increase the realism of the people evacuation modeling in case of emergency situation. Models that exist today do not describe in detail physical and psychological states of the characters during the simulation. This article presents the results of the development of people physical and psychological states graphs in the conditions of evacuation. All graphs are presented as extended final state machines. On the basis of the developed finite state machines the description of state transitions was carried out and algorithms were built This work was carried out as part of the development of a comprehensive 3D model of the people evacuation processes of in emergency situations in particular fires. A software implementation in the Unreal Engine program of these states was performed. Examples of the behavior of characters in various psychological and physical states are also presented.
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0(CC BY-SA 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0
Appears in Collections:International Conference on Applied Innovations in IT (ICAIIT)

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