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Title: Introduction and Comparison of Chinese Arbitration Institutions
Author(s): Wang, Yuan
Granting Institution: Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Issue Date: 2013-05
Type: Book
Language: German
Publisher: Institut für Wirtschaftsrecht
Abstract: The arbitration institutions related to China have growing significance to investors and businesspeople from both China and world-wide. Besides the arbitration institutions located in the mainland China, their peers in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan are also important in the global economy.Although China-related arbitration institutions are becoming popular because of dispute settlement resulting from the increasing international commerce, they are not known to the international society. For the interest of investors of academia, this article introduces the most prominant arbitration institutions in the Greater China region in a comparative approach.
Open Access: Open access publication
License: In CopyrightIn Copyright
Journal Title: Beiträge zum Transnationalen Wirtschaftsrecht
Volume: Heft 126
Original Publication:
Appears in Collections:Open Monograph Press ULB

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