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Title: Vegetationsentwicklung von Bergwiesen-Regenerationsflächen am Geisingberg im Osterzgebirge: Bewertung mit Hilfe vegetationskundlicher Dauerbeobachtungsflächen
Author(s): Hachmöller, Bernard
Böhnert, Wolfgang
Schmidt, Peter
Issue Date: 2003
Type: Article
Language: English
Publisher: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Abstract: Hachmöller, B.; Böhnert, W.; Schmidt, P.: Evaluation of vegetation development on montane grasslands in the Eastern Ore Mountains (Saxony) where regeneration of mountain meadows is planned. - Hercynia N.F. 36: 171–195.The regeneration of mountain meadow and mat grass vegetation (Polygono-Trisetion and Violion communities) was studied in the nature reserve „Geisingberg” in Saxony. It is part of the federal nature conservation project “Mountain Meadows in the Eastern Ore Mountains”. 40 permanent plots (25 m²) were recorded between 1993 and 1997, with an additional survey in 2001. They represent formerly fallow meadows as well as areas formerly used for intensive cattle grazing. The development of vegetation on the regeneration sites is compared to control plots in adjacent species-rich mountain meadows. Comparison of vegetation tables, Ellenberg indicator values and ordinations (DCA) are used to test if the regeneration plots show an increased similarity to species-rich mountain meadows. Formerly abandoned sites showed a tendency for regeneration of mountain meadow and mat grass vegetation after a relatively short period. Here, a number of species typical for these communities and species typical for nutrient-poor soils increased in abundance and dominance. Ordinations and Ellenberg indicator values demonstrate an increasing similarity to adjacent species-rich mountain meadows. In comparison to the control plots, however, some species are still lacking. On formerly intensive pastures, a strong increase of species numbers was also registered. These meadows show tendencies towards an Agrostis capillaris Festuca rubra community, but only a few species typical for mountain meadows have established after nine years of regular mowing. Many species typical for intensively used grasslands or ruderals still remain in the plots. If a regeneration of mountain meadow communities on these sites is possible in the long run, especially in direct vicinity to species-rich mountain meadows, can only be determined by further investigation.
Annotations: Die Hercynia publiziert Originalbeiträge mit dem Schwerpunkt Ökologie (mit ihren vielseitigen Aspekten der Biodiversität), Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Geografie, den anwendungsorientierten Bereichen des Natur- und Umweltschutzes, sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
ISSN: 2195-531X
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0(CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0
Journal Title: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Volume: 36
Issue: 2
Original Publication:
Page Start: 171
Page End: 195(196)
Appears in Collections:Open Journal System ULB

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