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Title: Die Verbreitung epigäischer Flechten und ihre Beziehungen zu ausgewählten Phanerogamengesellschaften im NSG Harslebener Berge und Steinholz (Sachsen-Anhalt)
Author(s): Schulze, Heike
Hensen, Isabell
Wesche, Karsten
Stordeur, Regine
Issue Date: 2004
Type: Article
Language: English
Publisher: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Abstract: Schulze, H.; Hensen, I.; Wesche, K.; Stordeur, R.: The distribution of epigean lichens and their relationship to particular plant communities in the nature reserve “Harslebener Berge und Steinholz” (Saxony- Anhalt). - Hercynia N.F. 37: 73–85.The nature reserve “Harslebener Berge und Steinholz“ is characterised by a great diversity of substrates and microclimatically different habitats, which are relatively rich in lichens. The present study analyses how the distribution of epigean lichens depends upon the structure of the vegetation and site conditions in five dry grassland and dwarf shrub communities. An indicator species analysis revealed that each of the communities Spergulo morisonii-Corynephoretum, Thymo-Festucetum cinereae and Euphorbio-Callunetum was characterised by specific lichen species. These patterns were in most cases easily explained by preferences for certain site conditions such as exposure, humus type, coverage of phanerogams, soil pH-value and inclination. In steppe vegetation communities dominated by Stipa species (Stipetum stenophyllae, Festuco valesiacae-Stipetum capillatae), which are characterised by the presence of highly competitive tall phanerogams, no lichen species were found to be specific for these associations. However, the present analysis is only valid on a local scale since the general habitat preferences of lichens in relation to plant communities are poorly known so far.
Annotations: Die Hercynia publiziert Originalbeiträge mit dem Schwerpunkt Ökologie (mit ihren vielseitigen Aspekten der Biodiversität), Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Geografie, den anwendungsorientierten Bereichen des Natur- und Umweltschutzes, sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
ISSN: 2195-531X
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0(CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0
Journal Title: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Volume: 37
Issue: 1
Original Publication:
Page Start: 73
Page End: 85(86)
Appears in Collections:Open Journal System ULB

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