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Title: Beitrag zur Wuchsform und Biologie der Gefäßpflanzen des hercynischen Raumes: 8. Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. (Meerrettich; Brassicaceae)
Author(s): Barniske, Anna-Magdalena
Heklau, Heike
Jäger, Eckehart J.
Issue Date: 2016
Type: Article
Language: English
Publisher: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Abstract: Barniske, A.-M., Heklau, H., Jäger, E. J.: Growth form and biology of Hercynian vascular plants. 8.Armoracia rusticana G. Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. (horseradish, Brassicaceae). - Hercynia N. F. 49(2016): 1 – 25. Horseradish was studied with special emphasis on its enigmatic origin, affinity, variation, dispersal (bydetached roots only), ecology (soil, plant communities), worldwide distribution and climatic envelope;morphology (seedling, structure and sequence of leaves, heterophylly indicating its origin on sitesflooded in spring: long petiolate rosette leaves with very large blade, small pinnatisect leaves at the baseof the flowering stem, further up lanceolate leaves, the uppermost sessile), brochidodromous nervature,hydathodes, seasonal development of shoots, leaf rhythm, inflorescence, sterile fruits, flower galls, rootsystem, regenerative root sprouting after damage), life history (germination, clonality, flower initiation,flower visitors, demand of cold, shoot innovation), anatomy (aequifacial, amphistomatic, subsucculentstructure of rosette leaves; anisocytic stomata apparates, structure of petiole as reason of its bendingstrength, root system and structure). The dispersal is only by root cuttings (or by roots teared off), not byroot suckers in intact plants. The petiolate rosette leaves are developed on one ramet only in the year(s)before flowering. The reason of sterility is not a consequence of hybridization or of self-incompatibilityalone, but of a whole complex of irregularities in the progamic and postzygotic phase.
Annotations: Die Hercynia publiziert Originalbeiträge mit dem Schwerpunkt Ökologie (mit ihren vielseitigen Aspekten der Biodiversität), Botanik, Zoologie, Geologie und Geografie, den anwendungsorientierten Bereichen des Natur- und Umweltschutzes, sowie der Land- und Forstwirtschaft.
ISSN: 2195-531X
Open Access: Open access publication
License: (CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0(CC BY-ND 4.0) Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivatives 4.0
Journal Title: Hercynia - Ökologie und Umwelt in Mitteleuropa
Volume: 49
Issue: 1/2
Original Publication:
Page Start: 1
Page End: 25
Appears in Collections:Open Journal System ULB

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