Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (OA) : [100] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 100
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Impulse: How do we arrive at a decent spoken dialogue system?Burchardt, Aljoscha; Nehring, Jan
2021Towards speech-based interactive post hoc explanations in explainable AIHillmann, Stefan; Möller, Sebastian; Michael, Thilo
2021Introduction to the workshopCarolus, Astrid; Wienrich, Carolin; Siegert, Ingo
20211st AI-DEbate Workshop : workshop establishing An InterDisciplinary pErspective on speech-BAsed TEchnology : Magdeburg, September, 27 2021-
2021A framework for instantaneous driver drowsiness detection based on improved HOG features and Naïve Bayesian classificationBakheet, Samy; Hamadi, Ayoub
2021Case report: women, be aware that your vocal charisma can dwindle in remote meetingsSiegert, Ingo; Niebuhr, Oliver
2019Predicting group contribution behaviour in a public goods game from face-to-face communicationOthman, Ehsan; Saxen, Frerk; Bershadskyy, Dmitri; Werner, Philipp; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub; Weimann, Joachim
2019Singularity expansion method for thin wires and the method of modal parametersTkachenko, Sergey V.; Nitsch, Jürgen B.; Middelstaedt, Felix; Rambousky, Ronald; Schaarschmidt, Martin; Vick, Ralf
2019NoCs in heterogeneous 3D SoCs : co-design of routing strategies and microarchitecturesJoseph, Jan Moritz; Bamberg, Lennart; Ermel, Dominik; Perjikolaei, Behnam Razi; Drewes, Anna; García Ortiz, Alberto; Pionteck, Thilo
2019Thyroid ultrasound texture classification using autoregressive features in conjunction with machine learning approachesPoudel, Prabal; Illanes, Alfredo; Ataide, Elmer J. G.; Esmaeili, Nazila; Balakrishnan, Sathish; Friebe, Michael
2019Analysis of an iterative approach to determine the current on the straight infinite wire above groundMiddelstädt, Felix; Tkachenko, Sergey V.; Vick, Ralf
2020Computer-aided diagnosis of malignant melanoma using Gabor-based entropic features and multilevel neural networksBakheet, Samy; Hamadi, Ayoub
2020Frequency-coupled impedance modelling and resonance analysis of DFIG-based offshore wind farm with HVDC connectionZhang, Yonggang; Klabunde, Christian; Wolter, Martin
2020Robots and wizards : an investigation into natural Human–Robot InteractionStrazdas, Dominykas; Hintz, Jan; Felßberg, Anna-Maria; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub
2020Application-specific SoC design using core mapping to 3D mesh NoCs with nonlinear area optimization and simulated annealingJoseph, Jan Moritz; Ermel, Dominik; Bamberg, Lennart; García-Oritz, Alberto; Pionteck, Thilo
2020Pixel-wise motion segmentation for SLAM in dynamic environmentsHempel, Thorsten; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub
2020Fusion-based approach for respiratory rate recognition from facial video imagesFiedler, Marc-André; Rapczyński, Michal; Al-Hamadi, Ayoub
2020Femtosecond laser-based integration of nano-membranes into organ-on-a-chip systemsBakhchova, Liubov; Jonus̆auskas, Linas; Dovilė, Andrijec; Kurachkina, Marharyta; Baravykas, Tomas; Eremin, Alexey; Steinmann, Ulrike
2020Sprachassistenten : Anwendungen, Implikationen, Entwicklungen : ITG-Workshop, Magdeburg, 3. März 2020 : [Abstractbook]-
2019IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology International Student Conference 2019, Magdeburg, Germany : book of proceedings-
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 100