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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 68
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Unstructured network topology begets order-based representation by privileged neuronsBauermeister, Christoph; Keren, Hanna; Braun, Jochen
2021Anomalous visual experience is linked to perceptual uncertainty and visual imagery vividnessSalge, Johannes H.; Pollmann, Stefan; Reeder, Reshanne R.
2020Anisotropies of tactile distance perception on the faceLongo, Matthew R.; Amoruso, Elena; Calzolari, Elena; Yehuda, Michael Ben; Haggard, Patrick; Azañón, Elena
2019Photoluminescence line shape analysis of highly n‐type doped zincblende GaNBaron, Elias; Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Deppe, Michael; As, Donat J.; Feneberg, Martin
2020Modulating the global orientation bias of the visual system changes population receptive field elongationsMerkel, Christian; Hopf, Jens-Max; Schoenfeld, Mircea Ariel
2020Topological point defects of liquid crystals in quasi-two-dimensional geometriesHarth, Kirsten; Stannarius, Ralf
2020Mitigating cavitation erosion using biomimetic gas-entrapping microtextured surfaces (GEMS)Gonzalez-Avila, Silvestre Roberto; Nguyen, Dang Minh; Arunachalam, Sankara; Domingues, Eddy M.; Mishra, Himanshu; Ohl, Claus-Dieter
2021Are professionals rationals? : how organizations and households make e-car investmentsKastner, Ingo; Becker, Annalena; Bobeth, Sebastian; Matthies, Ellen
2019The multi-site docking protein Grb2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) enhances interleukin-6-induced MAPK-pathway activation in an SHP2-, Grb2-, and time-dependent mannerBongartz, Hannes; Gille, Karen; Hessenkemper, Wiebke; Mandel, Katharina; Lewitzky, Marc; Feller, Stephan M.; Schaper, Fred
2019Individual face- and house-related eye movement patterns distinctively activate FFA and PPAWang, Lihui; Baumgartner, Florian; Kaule, Falko R.; Hanke, Michael; Pollmann, Stefan
2019Intragenic regulation of SOCS3 isoformsKlepsch, Oliver; Namer, Lise Sarah; Köhler, Nadine; Kaempfer, Raymond; Dittrich, Anna; Schaper, Fred
2019Response to IL-6 trans- and IL-6 classic signalling is determined by the ratio of the IL-6 receptor α to gp130 expression : fusing experimental insights and dynamic modellingReeh, Heike; Rudolph, Nadine; Billing, Ulrike; Christen, Henrike; Streif, Stefan; Bullinger, Eric; Schliemann-Bullinger, Monica; Findeisen, Rolf; Schaper, Fred; Huber, Heinrich; Dittrich, Anna
2019Robustness and information transfer within IL-6-induced JAK/STAT signallingBilling, Ulrike; Jetka, Tomasz; Nortmann, Lukas; Wundrack, Nicole; Komorowski, Michal; Waldherr, Steffen; Schaper, Fred; Dittrich, Anna
2019High-speed X-ray tomography of silo dischargeStannarius, Ralf; Sancho Martinez, Diego; Börzsönyi, Tamás; Bieberle, Martina; Barthel, Frank; Hampel, Uwe
2019Freely suspended smectic films with in-plane temperature gradientsStannarius, Ralf; Trittel, Torsten; Klopp, Christoph; Eremin, Alexey; Harth, Kirsten; Clark, Noel A.; Park, Cheol S.; Maclennan, Joseph E.
2019How measurements “affect” the importance of social influences on Household’s photovoltaic adoption : a german case studyKastner, Ingo; Wittenberg, Inga
2020Spreading of soap bubbles on dry and wet surfacesPfeiffer, Patricia; Ohl, Claus-Dieter
2020Dynamics of self-propelled particles passing a bottleneckMohammadi, Mahdieh; Harth, Kirsten; Puzyrev, Dmitry; Hanselka, Tina; Trittel, Torsten; Stannarius, Ralf
2020Social comparison impacts stimulus evaluation in a competitive social learning taskBurnside, Rebecca; Ullsperger, Markus
2020Single cell hydrodynamic stretching and microsieve filtration reveal genetic, phenotypic and treatment-related links to cellular deformabilityLi, Fenfang; Cima, Igor; Vo, Jess Honganh; Tan, Min-Han; Ohl, Claus-Dieter
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 68