Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Quantifizierung und Optimierung von Deponiestabilisaten aus calciumreichen Braunkohlenfilteraschen unter Verwendung statistischer Versuchsplanung | Ranneberg, Mirko |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2015 | Synthese und Charakterisierung von Oxysalz-Zementen und ihren Phasen | Schollbach, Katrin |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Phenological and spectral optimisation of multi-temporal land use classification | Gerstmann, Henning |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | An expert‐based ecosystem services assessment under land use and land cover changes and different climate scenarios in northern Ghana, West Africa | Kleemann, Janina |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Der Einsatz hyperspektraler Fernerkundungsdaten zur Analyse schwermetallbedingter Boden- und Pflanzenbelastungen in einem Auenökosystem unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Feinmorphologie | Riedel, Frank |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Coupled movement of liquid water, water vapor, and heat in deep vadose zones | Madi, Raneem |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Räumliche Methoden zur Analyse von Hot-Spots durch Abdrift-bedingte Pflanzenschutzmitteleinträge | Golla, Burkhard |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Cooling effects of urban green spaces on residential neighbourhoods | Jaganmohan, Madhumitha |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2019 | Immobilization mechanisms of lead(II) and zinc(II) ions in fly ash based geopolymers depending on the Na/Al and Si/AL ratio | Kränzlein, Eva |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Qualitative and quantitative spectral characterisation of iron- and steelworks by-products - combining information from the visible light to the longwave infrared | Denk, Michael |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Isotope patterns to trace large scale nitrogen fluxes and flow dynamics in a European river catchment | Müller, Christin |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Assessing ecosystem services for informing decision making on sustainable land management under climate change | Förster, Johannes |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Synthese und Charakterisierung von komplexen Li-haltigen LDH Strukturen | Niksch, Anton |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Source identification and specific degradability of particulate and sedimentary organic matter in reservoirs | Liu, Xiaoqing |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Transport in unsaturated porous media | Kumahor, Samuel Kwame |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Studien zur Geologie im Kaystrostal - zur Nutzung von Lagerstätten und Rohstoffen in der Urgeschichte | Wolf, Danilo |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Role of the sediments for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in drinking water reservoirs - [kumulative Dissertation] | Dadi, Tallent |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Mikrotektonische und geochronologische Untersuchungen von Intrusiva in Gneisdomen der Zentralpyrenäen - eine zeitliche Einordnung der variszischen Hauptdeformationsphase in der Axialzone der Pyrenäen | Schnapperelle, Stephan |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2016 | Identification and assessment of driving forces of land and soil degradation in the South African province of KwaZulu-Natal and the Kingdom of Swaziland | Marz, Michael |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2016 | Störungsanalyse und petrographisch-geomechanische Charakterisierung triassischer Siliziklastika des CO2-Speicherstandortes Ketzin | Klapperer, Stefan |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 26