Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
: [225]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 225
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2006 | Ein autonomes Brennstoffzellensystem : Optimierungsansätze | Heideck, Günter |
| 2018 | On the application of hidden Markov models for signal decoding in the context of brain computer interfaces | Pfeiffer, Tim |
| 2018 | Modellbasierte Ablöseregelung radialer Turboverdichter unter Verwendung des Körperschalls | Schulze, Rico |
| 2018 | MRT-geführte Ablation mit Hilfe des optischen Moiré Phase Trackingsystems | Kägebein, Urte |
| 2017 | Code generation for model predictive control of embedded systems | Menendez Zometa, Juan Pablo |
| 2017 | Global optimization in conceptual process design | Kunde, Christian |
| 2017 | Unconstrained recognition of offline Arabic handwriting using generative and discriminative classification models | Elzobi, Moftah M. |
| 2016 | Stability and regulation of delayed negative feedbacks in biochemical networks | Börsch, Anastasiya |
| 2017 | Instruments for image guided procedures - IIGP - review papers : student papers and poster : WS 2016/2017 - ADD-ON | - |
| 2017 | Towards a unified approach for path-following and force-feedback using nonlinear model predictive control | Kazim, Khalid J. |
| 2016 | Fusion of interventional ultrasound & X-ray | Kaiser, Markus |
| 2016 | Parameter estimation and method of moments for multi dimensional population balance equations with application to vaccine production processes | Dürr, Robert |
| 2016 | Plasma-assisted atomic layer deposition for microelectronics applications | Amusan, Akinwumi Abimbola |
| 2016 | Robuste Regelung von Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographieprozessen | Suvarov, Paul |
| 2016 | PMU-basierte Zustandsabschätzung in Smart Distribution | Richter, Marc |
| 2016 | Analytische Modellierung des Zeitverhaltens von verteilten industriellen Steuerungssystemen | Höme, Stephan |
| 2016 | Instruments for image guided procedures - IIGP - review summaries for minimal invasive and image guided technologies and clinical procedures : student review papers on selected topics | - |
| 2014 | Echtzeitfähige Protokollerweiterung zum Schutz Ethernet-basierter Automatisierungskomponenten | Runde, Markus |
| 2015 | Modellbasierte Kalibrierung, Detektion und Kompensation der Störungen des elektromagnetischen Trackingsystems für minimalinvasive Eingriffe | Bien, Tomasz |
| 2015 | Semi-aktive Instrumentenvisualisierung in der interventionellen Magnetresonanztomographie | Grundmann, Mandy |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 225