Fakultät für Mathematik : [169] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 169
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Conditional Erlangen ProgramChen, Xiangying
2024Aspects of damping oprimization in vibrational systems using model order reductionPrzybilla, Jennifer
2024Reflection length in infinite non-affine Coxeter groupsLotz, Marco Holger
2024Enumeration and sparsity in algebraic geometryKretschmer, Andreas
2023Low-rank tensor decompositions in Kernel-based machine learningKour, Kirandeep
2023Riccati feedback stabilization of the Stefan ProblemBaran, Björn
2024Forced periodic non-isothermal operation of chromatographic columnsHayat, Adnan
2023Source detection in graphsWeber, Tobias
2024Willmore boundary value problemsGulyak, Boris
2023Optimal experimental designs in multiple-group mixed modelsPrus, Maryna
2023Data-driven system reduction and identification from input-output time-domain data with the Loewner frameworkKarachalios, Dimitrios S.
2023Temporal multiscale simulations for multiphysics problemsSoszyn´ska, Martyna Aleksandra
2023Cyclic transversal polytopesFrede, Jonas
2023U-statistics for detecting and estimating changes in weakly dependent functional dataWegner, Lea
2023Contributions to the theory of Costas arraysArdalani, Ali
2023A locally modified finite element method for two-phase flow problemsJudakova, Gozel
2022A posteriori error estimation and adaptivity for model order reduction of large-scale systemsChellappa, Sridhar
2023Analytical and numerical studies of Riemann problems for a multiphase mixture modelYaghi, Hazem
2022Optimum design in nonlinear and generalized linear mixed modelsParsamaram, Parisa
2022Selected aspects of complex flow problems : modelling, analysis, numericsMinakowski, Piotr
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 169