Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik : [395] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 395
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Continuous upstream processing for cell culture-derived virus productionTapia Delgado, Felipe Ignacio
2020Intensified yellow fever and Zika virus production in animal cell cultureNikolay, Alexander
2020Development of a lattice Boltzmann-based numerical method for the simulation od reacting flowsHosseini, Seyed Ali
2020Flame propagation in complex geometriesGabriel Silva, Vitor
2019Chromatographic purification of biological macromolecules by their capture on hydrophilic surfaces with the aid of non-ionic polymersMarichal-Gallardo, Pável Alejandro
2020Characterization of the fluid-structure interaction on a vertical axis turbine with deformable bladesHoerner, Stefan Joël
2019Simulation und Analyse des Kalkbrennens in Normalen-, GGR- und KoksschachtöfenHallak, Bassem
2020Single-cell analysis of influenza A virus replication : sources of cell-to-cell heterogeneity and discoverey of a novel type of defective interfering particleKupke, Sascha Young
2020Synthesis and structural characterization of new transition metal alkynylamidinatesWang, Sida
2020Verweilzeitverhalten von partikulären Gütern in kontinuierlich betriebenen Wirbelschichtrinnen am Beispiel von Trocknung und CoatingBachmann, Philipp
2020Modeling and validation of particle drying and coating in a continuously operated horizontal fluidized bedChen, Kaicheng
2020Drying and wetting of capillary porous materials : insights from imaging and physics-based modelingKharaghani, Abdolreza
2019Entwicklung innovativer Tunnelofenkonzepte zum Brennen von keramischem Gut anhand eines mathematischen ProzessmodellsRedemann, Tino
2019Model-based optimization and experimental investigation of CO2 methanationEl Sibai, Ali
2020Transport of two-phase air-water flows in radial centrifugal pumpsMansour, Michael Khairat Botros
2019Computergestützte Untersuchung stochastischer biochemischer ReaktionssystemePischel, Dennis
2019Multi-level analysis and optimization for resource-efficient high temperature gas phase processesLiesche, Georg
2019Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer bifunktioneller Rutheniumkatalysatoren für Kaskadentransformationen ungesättigter AlkoholeKaufmann, Julia
2019CFD simulation of reactive flow in lime shaft kilns using porous media model and experimental validationMohammadpour, Kamyar
2019Numerische Modellierung des Getreide-SchachttrocknersScaar, Holger Uwe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 395