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Titel: Hypervolemia in dialysis patients impairs STAT3 signaling and upregulates miR-142-3p : effects on IL-10 and IL-6
Autor(en): Ulrich, ChristofIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Fiedler, RomanIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Herberger, Eva
Canim, Zeynep
Markau, SilkeIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Girndt, MatthiasIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Art: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Zusammenfassung: Fluid overload in hemodialysis patients (HD) has been proven to be associated with inflammation. Elevated levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) appear to be inadequately counterbalanced by the anti-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10). We initiated a cross-sectional study enrolling 40 HD patients who were categorized by a bioimpedance measurement in normovolemic (N; 23) and hypervolemic (H; 17) groups to test whether IL-10- and IL-6-related signal transduction pathways (signal transducer of transcript 3: STAT3) and/or a post-transcriptional regulating mechanism (miR-142) are impaired by hypervolemia. IL-10/IL-6 transcript and protein production by PBMCs (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) were determined. Phospho-flow cytometry was used to detect the phosphorylated forms of STAT3 (pY705 and pS727). miR-142-3p/5p levels were detected by qPCR. Hypervolemic patients were older, more frequently had diabetes, and showed higher CRP levels. IL-10 transcripts were elevated in H patients but not IL-10 protein levels. In spite of the elevated mRNA expression of the suppressor of cytokine expression 3 (SOCS3), IL-6 mRNA and protein expression were increased in immune cells of H patients. The percentage of cells staining positive for STAT3 (pY705) were comparable in both groups; in STAT3 (pS727), however, the signal needed for full transactivation was decreased in H patients. miR-142-3p, a proven target of IL-10 and IL-6, was significantly elevated in H patients. Insufficient phosphorylation of STAT3 may impair inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokine signaling. How far degradative mechanisms induced by elevated miR-142-3p levels contribute to an inefficient anti-inflammatory IL-10 signaling remains elusive.
Open-Access: Open-Access-Publikation
Nutzungslizenz: (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International
Journal Titel: International journal of molecular sciences
Verlag: Molecular Diversity Preservation International
Verlagsort: Basel
Band: 25
Heft: 7
Originalveröffentlichung: 10.3390/ijms25073719
Seitenanfang: 1
Seitenende: 14
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Open Access Publikationen der MLU

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