Open Access Publikationen der MLU : [3619] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3619
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Playfulness in middle- and older age : testing associations with life satisfaction, character strengths, and flourishingBrauer, Kay; Stumpf, Hannah Sophie Charlott; Proyer, René T.
2024Capitalizing genebank core collections for rare and novel disease resistance loci to enhance barley resilienceYuan, Zhihui; Stein, Nils; [und viele weitere]
2024Identification of RNA-binding protein hnRNP C targeting the 3'UTR of the TAP-associated glycoprotein tapasin in melanomaWanga, Yuan; Seliger, Barbara
2024Experimental device to evaluate aerosol dispersion in venuesSchulz, Isabell; Geisler, Sophia Mareike; Moritz, Stefan; [und viele weitere]
2024Overcoming the Tropical Andes publication divide: insights from local researchers on challenges and solutionsValdez, Jose W.; Vergara, Lucía Castro; Orihuela, Gabriela; Fernandez, Miguel
2024International Consensus Statements on Intraoperative Testing for Cochlear Implantation SurgeryAlzhrani, Farid; Plontke, Stefan K.-R.; [und viele weitere]
2024Hodgkin lymphoma : hypodense lesions in mediastinal massesDamek, Adrian; Franke, Friedrich Christian; Steglich, Jonas; Vordermark, Dirk; Wohlgemuth, Walter A.; Stoevesandt, Dietrich
2024The Expanded Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI-3) : towards reliable and international screening of exercise-related dysfunctionGranziol, Umberto; Stoll, Oliver; Schipfer, Melanie
2024Positive charges promote the recognition of proteins by the chaperone SlyD from Escherichia coliLindemeier, Daniel; Graubner, Wenke; Mehner-Breitfeld, Denise; Malešević, Miroslav; Brüser, Thomas
2024Roadmap on photonic metasurfacesSchulz, Sebastian A.; Sprafke, Alexander; [und viele weitere]
2024Combination therapy for Sneddon syndrome to reduce the incidence of cerebrovascular complicationsNarwutsch, Albert; Wohlrab, Johannes; Sperfeld, Anne-Dorte; Sunderkötter, Cord
2024Crystal structure of 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-2-ium (2S,3S)-3-carboxy-2,3-dihydroxypropanoate monohydrateSeidela, Rüdiger W.; Kolev, Tsonko
2024Terahertz spin-conductance spectroscopy : probing coherent and incoherent ultrafast spin tunnelingRouzegar, Seyed Mohammadreza; Wahada, Mohamed Amine; Chekhov, Alexander L.; Hoppe, Wolfgang; Bierhance, Genaro; Jechumtál, Jiří; Nádvorník, Lukáš; Wolf, Martin; Seifert, Tom S.; Parkin, Stuart S. P.; Woltersdorf, Georg; Brouwer, Piet Wibertus; Kampfrath, Tobias
2024Establishing grassland mixtures on mine wastes : a two-year mesocosm studyFranzaring, Jürgen; Kamradt, Andreas; Schweiger, Andreas; Büttner, P.
2024Prototype biodiversity digital twin : invasive alien speciesKhan, Taimur; El-Gabbas, Ahmed; Golivets, Marina; Souza, Allan T.; Lopez Gordillo, Julian; Kierans, Dylan; Kühn, Ingolf
2024Impact of QRS misclassifications on heart-rate-variability parameters (results from the CARLA cohort study)Sauerbier, Frank; Haerting, Johannes; Sedding, Daniel; Mikolajczyk, Rafael; Werdan, Karl; Nuding, Sebastian; Greiser, Karin Halina; Swenne, Cees A.; Kors, Jan A.; Kluttig, Alexander
2024A novel AMPK inhibitor sensitizes pancreatic cancer Cells to ferroptosis inductionSchneider, Carolin; Hilbert, Jorina; Genevaux, Franziska; Höfer, Stefanie; Krauß, Lukas; Schicktanz, Felix; Tapia Contreras, Constanza; Jansari, Shaishavi; Papargyriou, Aristeidis; Richter, Thorsten; Alfayomy, Abdallah M.; Falcomatà, Chiara; Schneeweis, Christian; Orben, Felix; Öllinger, Ruppert; Wegwitz, Florian; Boshnakovska, Angela; Rehling, Peter; Müller, Denise; Ströbel, Philipp; Ellenrieder, Volker; Conradi, Lena-Christin; Hessmann, Elisabeth; Ghadimi, Michael; Grade, Marian; Wirth, Matthias; Steiger, Katja; Rad, Roland; Kuster, Bernhard; Sippl, Wolfgang; Reichert, Maximilian; Saur, Dieter; Schneider, Günter
2024Prevention of peritoneal adhesions after gynecological surgery : a systematic reviewSchäfer, Sebastian Daniel; Alkatout, Ibrahim; Dornhöfer, Nadja; Herrmann, Joerg; Klapdor, Rüdiger; Meinhold-Heerlein, Ivo; Meszaros, Jozsef; Mustea, Alexander; Oppelt, Peter; Wallwiener, Markus; Krämer, Bernhard
2024Prediction of resistance to bevacizumab plus FOLFOX in metastatic colorectal cancer : results of the prospective multicenter PERMAD trialSeufferlein, Thomas; Büchner-Steudel, Petra; [und viele weitere]
2024Reorganization of poly(butylene succinate) containing crystals of low stabilityJariyavidyanont, Katalee; Schick, Christoph; Androsch, René
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 3619