: [165]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 165
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2015 | Density functional theory of superconductivity in the presence of a magnetic field | Linscheid, Andreas |
| 2015 | Multiferroic interfaces of mixed valency systems studied from first principles | Borisov, Vladislav |
| 2014 | Low dimensional electronic states at metal surfaces investigated by photoemission and nonlinear optics | Pazgan, Mariusz |
| 2014 | Untersuchung der thermischen Fluktuationen in ferroelektrischem Silbernatriumdinitrit und in einer Widerstands-Kapazitäts-Schaltung | Mehlis, Jumna |
| 2015 | Spin Nernst and spin Hall effect in dilute metallic alloys | Tauber, Katarina |
| 2015 | First principles study of magnetic properties of nanowires on Cu surfaces | Hashemi, Hossein |
| 2014 | Spin excitations in ultrathin ferromagnets - [kumulative Habilitation] | Zakeri Lori, Khalil |
| 2014 | Electron pair emission from surfaces upon He2+ impact | Li, Changhui |
| 2014 | Density functional theory for superconductors - extension to a pairing mediated by spin-fluctuations | Essenberger, Frank |
| 2014 | Untersuchung der passiven und aktiven Mikrorheologie einer unverschlauften Polymerschmelze mittels Molekulardynamik-Simulationen | Kuhnhold, Anja |
| 2014 | Zeitaufgelöste Zweiphotonen-Photoemission an ultradünnen Nickeloxidschichten auf Silber(001) | Gillmeister, Konrad |
| 2014 | Electron pair emission from NiO and metal surfaces | Behnke, Lucie |
| 2014 | Application of high-energy photons for positron annihilation spectroscopy and positronium chemistry | Butterling, Maik |
| 2014 | Photoelektronenspektroskopische und elektrische Charakterisierung von selbstorganisierenden Monoschichten als ultradünnes Dielektrikum in Metall-Isolator-Halbleiter-Dioden | Münchgesang, Wolfram |
| 2014 | Der Einfluss von Kristalldefekten und Zellstrukturen auf die Dunkelkennlinie von Siliziumsolarzellen | Rißland, Sven |
| 2014 | Electronic and photoelectronic processes in multiferroic materials | Bhatnagar, Akash |
| 2014 | Viscoelasticity of filled elastomers - determination of surface-immobilized components and their role in the reinforcement of SBR-Silica nanocomposites | Mujtaba, Anas |
| 2014 | Exploring the effects of electric fields and surface charging on magnetic properties of nanostructures - an ab initio study | Dasa, Tamene Regassa |
| 2014 | Molekulare Dynamik von Polymeren in eingeschränkter Geometrie | Franz, Cornelius Titus |
| 2014 | Mechanische Spannungen von BaTiO3 und SrTiO3 Atomlagen auf Metalleinkristallen | Premper, Jörg |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 165