: [165]
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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 101 bis 120 von 165
| Erscheinungsdatum | Titel | Autor(en) |
 | 2014 | Structural investigations on semiconducting donor-acceptor block copolymers and related model systems for organic photovoltaics | Gupta, Gaurav Kumar |
 | 2013 | Ortsaufgelöste Bestimmung von Gitterverzerrungen in Silizium-Nanostrukturen mittels Elektronenrückstreubeugung | Krause, Michael |
 | 2014 | Magnetization dynamics and magnetic ground state properties from first principles | Thonig, Danny |
 | 2014 | Effect of quantum well states on the magnetic anisotropy of ferromagnetic films | Da̧browski, Maciej Krzysztof |
 | 2013 | Modifikation optischer Nichtlinearitäten in Silizium | Schriever, Clemens |
 | 2013 | Magnetooptische und magnetische Eigenschaften zweikomponentiger Multiferroika | Borek, Stephan |
 | 2013 | Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study of Fe and Co nanostructures on Cu(111) | Corbetta, Marco |
 | 2013 | Preparation, geometric structure and magnetism of ultrathin oxide films on metal surfaces | Klimenta, Florian |
 | 2013 | Liquid crystalline carbon nanotube suspensions - from unique challenges to unique properties/ von Stefan Schymura | Schymura, Stefan |
 | 2013 | Thermoelectric transport in semiconducting heterostructures - [kumulative Dissertation] | Hinsche, Nicki Frank |
 | 2013 | Charakterisierung niedrigdimensionaler Halbleiterstrukturen mittels nanofokussierter Röntgenstrahlen | Dubslaff, Martin |
 | 2013 | Ultrafast charge carrier dynamics of ZnO thin films and BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures | Acharya, Snigdhatanu |
 | 2013 | High wave-vector magnon excitations in ultrathin Fe(111) films grown on Au/W(110) and Fe(001) films grown on Ir(001) | Chuang, Tzu-Hung |
 | 2012 | Schädigungsfreie Ablation dielektrischer Schichten auf Silizium mittels ultrakurzer Laserimpulse | Rublack, Tino |
 | 2012 | Laser-angeregte Photoemissions-Elektronenmikroskopie an oxidischen Oberflächen | Höfer, Anke |
 | 2009 | Spin dynamics of complex itinerant magnets | Buczek, Pawel Adam |
 | 2012 | Investigation of plasmonic structures by light and electron microscopy - contributions to an efficient numerical treatment | Matyssek, Christian F. |
 | 2012 | Time-resolved two-photon photoemission of NiO Ultra-Thin films on Ag(001) | Kiel, Mario |
 | 2012 | Stress and magnetic properties of epitaxial ferromagnetic layers and ferromagnetic-transition metal oxide bilayers | Dhaka, Anita |
 | 2012 | Studying the electron-electron correlation by pair emission from surfaces - [kumulative Habilitation] | Schumann, Frank O. |
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 101 bis 120 von 165