Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
: [542]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 542
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2017 | T cell specific function of the deubiquitinating enzyme A20 in murine listeriosis | Just, Sissy |
| 2016 | Functional analysis of Ly6C hi inflammatory monocytes and Ly6G + neutrophil granulocytes in chronic cerebral toxoplasmosis | Biswas, Aindrila |
| 2017 | Changed temporal processing in the human auditory cortex by transcranial direct current stimulation | Heimrath, Kai |
| 2016 | Correction of residual artifacts in prospectively motion-corrected MR-data | Yarach, Uten |
| 2016 | Modulation der Sekretion des Neurotrophins "Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor" durch zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat | Lichtenecker, Petra |
| 2016 | The role of the adaptor protein ADAP in different T cell subsets and pathogen-specific immune responses against Listeria monocytogenes | Parzmair, Gerald Peter |
| 2017 | Unsicherheits- und Sensivitätsanalysen von Kompartiment-Modellen und Computer-Voxel-Phantomen für interne Strahlenexposition der Patienten durch Radiopharmazeutika in der Nuklearmedizin | Spielmann, Vladimir |
| 2016 | Parallel transmission in MRI - electromagnetic considerations and advances in signal chain hardware | Kühne, André |
| 2016 | Die Beteiligung von uterinen Mastzellen und uterinen Natürlichen Killerzellen an einer erfolgreichen Schwangerschaft und einer gesunden Entwicklung des Fetus | Meyer, Nicole |
| 2017 | Experimentelle Untersuchung formanisometrischer Granulate im Scherfluss - Partikel im Split-Bottom-Schercontainer und im Silo | Wegner, Sandra |
| 2016 | Untersuchungen zum immunzytochemischen Nachweis von DNA-Doppelstrangbrüchen in humanen Lymphozyten mittels automatisierter γH2AX-Analyse | Reddig, Annika |
| 2016 | Novelty and ADHD - how unexpected stimuli influence neural processing and behavioral performance in children and adolescents with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder | Tegelbeckers, Jana |
| 2016 | Impact of FLT3 internal tandem duplications (FLT3-ITD) on functional biology and sensitivity to therapy depending on their location | Arreba Tutusaus, Patricia |
| 2016 | The effect of acquisition resolution and magnetic field strength on multivariate decoding of fMRI | Sengupta, Ayan |
| 2016 | Die regulatorische Funktion von HO-1 auf uterine NK Zellen an der feto-maternalen Grenzfläche | Linzke, Nadja |
| 2016 | Syndromic scalp defects - genotype-phenotype studies in Johanson-Blizzard syndrome and Adams-Oliver syndrome | Sukalo, Maja |
| 2016 | Deciphering proteome dynamics using cell-type selective metabolic protein labeling in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster | Erdmann, Ines |
| 2016 | "Dynamisches 201TIDD-SPECT zur Erfassung der zeitlichen und räumlichen Ausbreitung eines ischämischen Schadens in der Akutphase des experimentellen Schlaganfalls" | Stöber, Franziska |
| 2016 | Predator odor-induced fear in rats - a behavioral characterization and neural substrate analysis | Wernecke, Kerstin |
| 2016 | Immune proteins in neurons - towards an understanding of the neuronal role of the immune protein CD3[Zeta] in NMDA receptor signaling and cytoskeleton remodeling | Lehmann, Anne-Christin |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 181 to 200 of 542