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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 542
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Investigating human grid-cell-like representations and path integration in the context of cognitive agingStangl, Matthias
2018Nanocharakterisierung optischer und struktureller Eigenschaften von GaN-basierten Nano- und MikrosäulenMüller, Marcus
2018About the impact of altered RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT signalling in human developmental disordersBoppudi, Sangamitra
2018Ca v3.2 T-type calcium channels modulate burst firing of mature granule cells of the dentate gyrusDuménieu, Maël Florent
2018Effects of different forms of engagement on the neuronal activity in the monkey's primary auditory cortexKnyazeva, Stanislava
2018Dynamics in thin, freely suspended, fluid films - impact of picoliter droplets and in-plane microrheologyDölle, Sarah
2018Redox-mediated regulation of the tyrosine kinase Zap70Thurm, Christoph
2017Role of platelets in placental dysfunctionKohli, Shrey
2017Biomodelkit - a framework for modular biomodel-engineeringBlätke, Mary-Ann
2017Distinction between dorsal and ventral hippocampus in processing social cues and the underlying mechanisms essential for social recognition memory in miceCamats Perna, Judith
2017Untersuchung von frustrierten Quantenspinsystemen - Anwendung der Coupled-Cluster-MethodeGötze, Oliver
2017Identification of molecular mechanisms modulating nuclear abundance and co-repressor functions of CtBP1 in neuronsDirks, Anika
2017Neuronal correlates of comodulation masking realease at the level of the inferior colliculus in the context of spectro-temporal receptive fields and their corresponding volterra operatorsDiepenbrock, Jan-Philipp
2017Activated protein C protects from GvHD by inducing regulatory T-cell expansion and signaling via the PAR2/PAR3 heterodimer in T-cellsRanjan, Satish
2017Different mechanisms underlying adaptation to frequent and adaptation to recent conflictPurmann, Sascha
2017Influence of c-FLIP and A20 on apoptosis regulationLübke, Tobias
2017Der G-Protein gekoppelte Östrogenrezeptor als Tumorsuppressor im MammakarzinomWeißenborn, Christine Susanne
2017Autophagy regulation by the p38 MAP kinaseBruns, Svenja Anne
2017The interaction of Kv1.3 with Dlg-like MAGUKs and its impact on calcium signaling in activated T cellsHandschuh, Juliane
2016Associative memory in Drosophila melanogaster - synapsin as a study caseKleber, Jörg
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 161 to 180 of 542