Fakultät für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik : [396] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 396
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011Die Herstellung und Charakterisierung von Kupfer-, Chrom- und Titanoxidkatalysatoren auf Basis Porenbeton zur katalytischen Nachverbrennung von flüchtigen organischen StoffenVasilakakis, Dimitrios
2011Experimental study of local heat transfer during quenching of metals by spray and multiple jetsAlam, Umair
2011Analysis of energy efficiency of gas driven heat pumpsElgendy, Essam Mahrous Elgenady
2011Molecular biological analysis of dynamic interactions between influenza viruses and host cells - host cell proteomes and viral replication dynamicsVester, Diana; Reichl, Udo
2011Modelling of a symmetric molten carbonate fuel cell stackPfafferodt, Matthias André
2017Populationsdynamische Beschreibung thermochemischer Konversionsprozesse von Biomasse mit Fokus auf die WirbelschichtfeuerungKretschmer, Franka
2017Contributions to develop enantioselective chromatographic processesMutavdz̆in, Ivana
2017Zur Analyse und Bewertung der Wärmeübertragung am Beispiel von elektrischen GeneratorenEger, Toni
2017Enantioselektive Kristallisation chiraler AgrochemikalienMorgner, Anne-Kathleen
2010Thermomechanical simulation of direct chill castingNallathambi, Ashok Kumar
2016Calcination behavior of lumpy limestones from different originsSandaka, Gourisankar
2017Einfluss der Oberflächenmodifizierung auf die Fließeigenschaften von kohäsiven SchüttgüternTodorova, Zinaida Ivanova
2017Lattice Boltzmann simulation of laminar and turbulent two-phase flowsEshghinejadfard, Amir
2017Optimal reaction route for hydroformylation of long-chain olefins in thermomorphic solvent systemsHentschel, Benjamin
2017Analyse und Optimierung von wassergekühlten Transportrollen in Vorwärmöfen von BandverzinkungsanlagenRein, Carsten
2017Model-based process design and solvent selection for the efficient recovery of homogeneous catalyst in chemicals productionMcBride, Kevin
2017Modeling of solid reaction behavior in direct heated rotary kilnsAbdelwahab, Abdulkadir Ahmed Alnour A.
2017Novel electroenzymatic process for gluconic acid productionVarnicic, Miroslava
2017Analysis and design of center-cut separations using 8-zone simulated moving bed chromatographySantos da Silva, Francisco Vitor
2017Multiscale modeling of non-isothermal fluid transport in porous media - applications to loop heat pipe evaporator and superheated steam dryingLe, Kieu Hiep
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 261 to 280 of 396