Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 396
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Development of a glucose-oxygen enzymatic fuel cell | Ivanov, Ivan |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Formation and crystallization based separation of diastereomeric salts | Sistla, Venkata Subbarayudu |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Untersuchung der Spraycharakteristik von Piezo-Injektoren in Bezug auf das Entflammungsverhalten beim strahlgeführten Brennverfahren | Breuninger, Tobias |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Progress towards the total synthesis of sorangicin | Belayneh, Kumeneger Debalike |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | A kinetic analysis of ester hydrolysis reactions considering volume and enthalpy changes due to mixing | Ta, Hong Duc |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | New concepts for enantioselective crystallisation | Kaemmerer, Henning |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flames on parallel computers | Atanga, Gordon Fru |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Hemodynamics and virtual stenting of cerebral aneurysms | Seshadhri, Santhosh |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Optical measurements in disperse two-phase flows - application to rain formation in cumulus clouds | Bordás, Róbert |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2012 | Process simulation of lime calcination in mixed feed shaft kilns | El-Fakharany, Magda Kotb Moursy |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Contracting - ein komplettierendes Finanzierungsinstrument für innovative technische Energieversorgungslösungen | Fleischer, Frank |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Synthese des Dioxabicyclooctanfragmentes der Sorangicine und Studien zur Konstruktion des E,Z,Z-Triensystems | Michaelis, Lars |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Experimentelle Analyse des transienten Verhaltens der einlasskanalgenerierten Zylinderinnenströmung | Kapitza, Lars |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Flame simulation in rotary kilns using computational fluid dynamics | Elattar, Hassan Fawzy Mohamed |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | CFD-basierte Analyse der Gemischbildung mit einem skalenauflösenden Turbulenzmodell | Buchtatyj, Denis |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2011 | Modellierung und Simulation polydisperser Wassernebel in der Brandbekämpfung unter Berücksichtigung stochastischer Parameter | Pöschko, Pascal |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Combustion behavior of lumpy coke particle under shaft kiln conditions | Linn, Nyein Nyein |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Multi-phase flow through complex geometry caused by fire involving radioactive materials | Plagge, Michael |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2017 | Entwicklung eines Messgerätes zur kontinuierlichen Kontrolle und Regelung der Heißgasatmosphäre von unterstöchiometrisch betriebenen Wärmebehandlungsöfen | Stranzinger, Bernhart |
![Open access publication](/image/openaccess32.png) | 2018 | Untersuchung zum Einfluss der Strömungsführung auf den Brandverlauf in einem Gebäude moderner Bauweise | Schubert, Stefanie |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 396