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Titel: On systems of parabolic variational inequalities with multivalued terms
Autor(en): Carl, SiegfriedIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Le, Vy KhoiIn der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen
Erscheinungsdatum: 2021
Art: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Zusammenfassung: In this paper we present an analytical framework for the following system of multivalued parabolic variational inequalities in a cylindrical domain Q=Ω×(0,τ): For k=1,…,m, find uk∈Kk and ηk∈Lp′k(Q) such that uk(⋅,0)=0 in Ω, ηk(x,t)∈fk(x,t,u1(x,t),…,um(x,t)),⟨ukt+Akuk,vk−uk⟩+∫Qηk(vk−uk)dxdt≥0, ∀ vk∈Kk, where Kk is a closed and convex subset of Lpk(0,τ;W1,pk0(Ω)), Ak is a time-dependent quasilinear elliptic operator, and fk:Q×Rm→2R is an upper semicontinuous multivalued function with respect to s∈Rm. We provide an existence theory for the above system under certain coercivity assumptions. In the noncoercive case, we establish an appropriate sub-supersolution method that allows us to get existence and enclosure results. As an application, a multivalued parabolic obstacle system is treated. Moreover, under a lattice condition on the constraints Kk, systems of evolutionary variational-hemivariational inequalities are shown to be a subclass of the above system of multivalued parabolic variational inequalities.
Open-Access: Open-Access-Publikation
Nutzungslizenz: (CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International(CC BY 4.0) Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International
Sponsor/Geldgeber: Publikationsfond MLU
Journal Titel: Monatshefte für Mathematik
Verlag: Springer
Verlagsort: Wien [u.a.]
Band: 194
Heft: 2
Originalveröffentlichung: 10.1007/s00605-020-01477-6
Seitenanfang: 227
Seitenende: 260
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Open Access Publikationen der MLU

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