Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 165
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2019 | Spin-orbit driven transport : Edelstein effect and chiral anomaly | Johansson, Annika |
 | 2019 | Unit cell thick ferrimagnetic Heusler domain wall motion using chemical templating layers | Filippou, Panagiotis Charilaos |
 | 2018 | Enhancement of near-infrared emission from Ge(Si) quantum dots embedded in silicon microresonators | Rutckaia, Viktoriia |
 | 2018 | Solid-state NMR investigations and MD simulations of lipid bilayers in interaction with amphiphilic and polyphilic molecules | Bärenwald, Ruth |
 | 2018 | Composition and geometric structure of ultrathin oxide films | Bayat, Alireza |
 | 2018 | Spinpumpen und inverser Spin-Hall-Effekt in granularen Systemen | Richter, Tim |
 | 2018 | Physikalische Mechanismen der Bildung von Schwarzem Silizium bei maskenfreiem Plasmaätzen | Gaudig, Maria |
 | 2018 | Beiträge zur lokalen Wirkungsgradanalyse an Solarzellen und Solarmodulen | Frühauf, Felix |
 | 2018 | Effective interactions in the quantum theory of molecular and condensed matter physics | Tandetzky, Falk |
 | 2018 | Charakterisierung von kristalliner und amorpher Phase teilkristalliner Polymere mittels Festkörper-NMR | Kurz, Ricardo |
 | 2018 | Laserinduzierte Lift-Off-Prozesse in Cu(In, Ga)Se2-Dünnschichtsolarzellen bei Wellenlängen von 1064 nm und 1342 nm | Kaufmann, Kai |
 | 2018 | Erzeugung plasmonischer Nanostrukturen und diffraktiver Gitter in Floatglasoberflächen mittels ArF-Excimerlaserstrahlung | Heinz, Maximilian |
 | 2018 | Voltage control of magnetic anisotropy in ultrathin epitaxial magnetic layers | Ribow, Mirko |
 | 2018 | Intramolekulare Strukturbildung durch Steifigkeitsvariation und Auswirkung der Anwesenheit von spezifischen Wechselwirkungen | Werlich, Benno |
 | 2018 | Study of the pore systems of metal-organic frameworks, mesoporous silica, and low-k dielectric layers by means of positron annihilation spectroscopy | Elsherif, Ahmed Gamal Attallah Abdelmaksoud |
 | 2018 | Coulomb interaction in the Eliashberg theory of superconductivity | Davydov, Arkadiy |
 | 2018 | One-dimensional plasmonic nanostructures prepared by template synthetic method for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) | Kim, Yong-Tae |
 | 2018 | The impact of atomic and electronic structure modifications on magnetoelastic coupling of epitaxial Fe films and Fe/Au/Fe trilayers investigated by stress measurements | Novakoski-Fischer, Kenia |
 | 2018 | Derivation and application of quantum Hamilton equations of motion | Köppe, Jeannette |
 | 2017 | Experimentelle Bestimmung der Phononen von Perowskit-Oberflächen | Schumann, Florian Otto |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 165