Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 164
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2017 | Identifizierung und Charakterisierung neuer Substrate des N-end rule pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana | Naumann, Christin |
| 2017 | Genetic manipulation of the cross-talk between abscisic acid and strigolactones and their biosynthetic link during late tittelring in barley | Wang, Hongwen |
| 2017 | Analysis of sense transgene-induced gene silencing in introgression lines reveals the presence of silencing modulators in Arabidopsis thaliana accession genomes | Dung, Le Phuong |
| 2017 | Phylogeny and molecular evolution of oat-like grasses (traditional Aveneae) - [kumulative Dissertation] | Wölk, Alexandra |
| 2017 | Process-based models of biodiversity response to global change | Ceia-Hasse, Ana |
| 2017 | Impact of human management on the host-parasite interctions between Apis and Varroa - $hvorgelegt von Alexis Louis Beaurepaire | Beaurepaire, Alexis Louis |
| 2017 | Ectopic expression of a Vicia faba amino acid permease1 (VfAAP1) improves grain yield and stimulates seedling root growth in wheat (Triticum aestivum) | Abebaw, Yemisrach Melkie |
| 2017 | Genetic diversity in natural and experimental, subtropical tree communities - kumulative Dissertation | Hahn, Christoph Zacharias |
| 2017 | Albrecht von Haller und die Entstehung der "Flora Jenensis" | Foth, Holger |
| 2017 | Einfluss von Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren auf das humane Nierenzellkarzinom und Immunzellen | Schulz, Kristin |
| 2016 | The Evolution of haplo-diploidy and its consequences for the Red Queen Hypothesis (RQH) | Kidner, Jonathan |
| 2016 | Untersuchungen zur sX13-abhängigen post-transkriptionellen Regulation und Identifikation bisher unbekannter Proteine von Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria mittels Proteogenomik | Abendroth, Ulrike |
| 2017 | The role of vacuolar processing enzymes in programmed cell death in maternal tissues of the developing barley grain | Tran, Thi Thuy Van |
| 2017 | Seed germination and genetic structure of two Salvia species in response to environmental variables among phytogeographic regions in Jordan (Part I) and Phylogeny of the pan-tropical family Marantaceae (Part II) | Al-Gharaibeh, Mohammad Mufleh |
| 2017 | Rolle des C-terminalen Peptids der großen Untereinheit im Reifungsprozess der Hydrogenase 2 | Thomas, Claudia |
| 2016 | Analyse von Exportsignalen von Typ-III- und Typ-IV-Sekretionssubstraten aus Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria | Scheibner, Felix |
| 2016 | A wider perspective on the barley leaf senescence connecting whole plant development and nitrogen availability | Fataftah, Nazeer |
| 2016 | Die Zur- und ZntR-vermittelte Regulation der Zinktransportsysteme in Cupriavidus metallidurans | Schmidt, Christopher |
| 2016 | Spinat als alternatives Modellsystem zur Analyse des Tat-abhängigen Membrantransports von Proteinen | Waclawek, Mandy |
| 2016 | Charakterisierung des PAMP-induzierbaren Transporters ABCG1 aus Solanum tuberosum | Landgraf, Ramona |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 164