Biowissenschaften; Biologie : [164] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 164
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017Proteine mit VQ-Motiv - Substrate pflanzlicher MAP-Kinasen und potentielle Regulatoren der ImmunabwehrPecher, Pascal
2018Functional diversity and mutualistic interactions of frugivorous birds in the Tropical Andes - [kumulative Dissertation]Bender, Irene Maria Antoinetta
2017Resistance risk assessment for diamide insecticides and associated fitness costs affecting development in arthropod species with special reference to LepidopteraSteinbach, Denise
2017Gene flow in the understorey of tropical African rain forest - from population genetic to phylogeographic pattern ; the example MarantaceaeLey, Alexandra C.
2017Synthese und pharmakologische Testung von Protoberberin-Alkaloiden und DerivatenHorling, Aline
2017Die Bedeutung von AtpI für die F1Fo-ATPase in Escherichia coli und Cupriavidus metalliduransHeinz, Anja
2017Drivers of intraspecific variation of plant functional traits, plant performance and root exudates in German grasslandsHerz, Katharina
2017Exploring modified durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) plant architectureWolde, Gizaw Metaferia
2017Fine-scale effects of anthropogenic and environmental factors on diversity patterns of spontaneous vascular plants in a medium–sized city in South America (Chile)Carrasco Farias, Natalia
2017Spatiotemporal response of pollinators to drivers of global change at landscape scale - [kumulative Dissertation]Papanikolaou, Alexandra
2017A simple technique for N-end rule-controlled conditional protein accumulation in vivoFaden, Frederik
2017The specific role of iron in promoting adventitious root formation in petunia cuttingsHilo, Alexander
2016Novel insights on female gametophyte development in the apomictic model species Boechera spp. and Hypericum spp.Rizzo, Paride
2017Biodiversity response to land use change across scalesDantas de Miranda, Murilo
2016Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des N-Terminus von KlGal80p für die Lokalisation, Interaktion und Regulation des Repressors in Kluyveromyces lactisReinhardt-Tews, Annekathrin
2017Comparative analysis of phytohormone translocation, nitrogen metabolism and yield components under nitrate and urea nutrition in oilseed rapeHeuermann, Diana
2017Dissecting and modeling the phenotypic components of plant growth and drought responses based on high-throughput image analysisChen, Dijun
2017Protecting multiple dimensions of biodiversity to achieve conservation targetsCeauşu, Silvia
2016Transkriptom-Analyse von Tomatenpflanzen nach Infektion mit XanthomonasMüller, Oliver A.
2017Konsequenzen der Genom-Duplikation in Hefe - vergleichende Untersuchungen zur kohlenstoffregulierten Transkription in pre- und post-whole genome duplication (WGD) SpeziesStrödecke, Katharina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 164