Biowissenschaften; Biologie
: [164]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 164
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
| 2016 | Genomvergleich und Effektorcharakterisierung von Rhynchosporium commune | Penselin, Daniel |
| 2015 | An investigation into the Kobresia pygmaea ecotone of the Tibetan Plateau - from species to community ecology : Dissertation (kumulativ) | Seeber, Elke |
| 2016 | Effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant distributions and alien plant invasions at a large spatial scale | Menzel, Andreas |
| 2016 | Modifikation des Nortropanalkaloid-Stoffwechsels in Solanum tuberosum L. durch Knockdown und Überexpression von Biosynthesegenen | Küster, Nadine |
| 2016 | Causes and consequences of extreme polyandry in army ants - [kumulative Dissertation] | Barth, Benjamin |
| 2015 | Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise antimikrobieller Kupferoberflächen | Bleichert, Pauline |
| 2016 | Reciprocal adaptations between the microsporidian gut pathogen Nosema ceranae and its honeybee host Apis mellifera - [kumulative Dissertation] | Kurze, Christoph |
| 2016 | How resource availability modulates biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning | Siebenkäs, Alrun |
| 2016 | Reproductive strategies of plant-sap sucking insects with special focus on Thysanoptera | Krüger, Stephanie |
| 2015 | Analysis of allelic gene effects in Arabidopsis thaliana biomass heterosis and metabolism | Jeon, Hea-Jung |
| 2015 | Die Rolle des Zink-Transporters ZupT in der Zinkhomöostase von Cupriavidus metallidurans - [kumulative Dissertation] | Herzberg, Martin |
| 2015 | Die Analyse von heterochromatischem Gen-Silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana | Irmler, Kristina |
| 2015 | Strukturelle und biochemische Charakterisierung von O-Carbamoyltransferasen | Görlich, Stefan |
| 2015 | Mechanismus der Goldresistenz in Cupriavidus metallidurans | Wiesemann, Nicole |
| 2015 | Analysis of phylogenetic relationships of Hordeum (Poaceae) polyploids | Brassac, Jonathan |
| 2015 | Genetic diversity and performance of early life stages in natural and afforested populations of two important conifer trees in Syria - implication for conservation ; [kumulative Dissertation] | Al-Hawija, Batoul |
| 2015 | N remobilisation during barley grain filling and the influence of sink-strength alteration in developing wheat grains - [kumulative Dissertation] | Kohl, Stefan |
| 2015 | Heterologe Expression hochmolekularer repetitiver Spinnenseiden-basierter Proteine in planta sowie deren mechanische und immunologische Charakterisierung [kumulative Dissertation] | Hauptmann, Valeska |
| 2015 | Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchung von Porinen der äußeren Membran pathogener Bakterien | Kattner, Christof |
| 2015 | Über den strukturellen Aufbau und die Dynamik von Saccharid/Proteinmischungen in Lösung und im Festkörper | Hackel, Christiane |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 164