Biowissenschaften; Biologie : [164] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 164
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016Genomvergleich und Effektorcharakterisierung von Rhynchosporium communePenselin, Daniel
2015An investigation into the Kobresia pygmaea ecotone of the Tibetan Plateau - from species to community ecology : Dissertation (kumulativ)Seeber, Elke
2016Effects of the mycorrhizal symbiosis on plant distributions and alien plant invasions at a large spatial scaleMenzel, Andreas
2016Modifikation des Nortropanalkaloid-Stoffwechsels in Solanum tuberosum L. durch Knockdown und Überexpression von BiosynthesegenenKüster, Nadine
2016Causes and consequences of extreme polyandry in army ants - [kumulative Dissertation]Barth, Benjamin
2015Untersuchungen zur Wirkungsweise antimikrobieller KupferoberflächenBleichert, Pauline
2016Reciprocal adaptations between the microsporidian gut pathogen Nosema ceranae and its honeybee host Apis mellifera - [kumulative Dissertation]Kurze, Christoph
2016How resource availability modulates biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioningSiebenkäs, Alrun
2016Reproductive strategies of plant-sap sucking insects with special focus on ThysanopteraKrüger, Stephanie
2015Analysis of allelic gene effects in Arabidopsis thaliana biomass heterosis and metabolismJeon, Hea-Jung
2015Die Rolle des Zink-Transporters ZupT in der Zinkhomöostase von Cupriavidus metallidurans - [kumulative Dissertation]Herzberg, Martin
2015Die Analyse von heterochromatischem Gen-Silencing in Arabidopsis thalianaIrmler, Kristina
2015Strukturelle und biochemische Charakterisierung von O-CarbamoyltransferasenGörlich, Stefan
2015Mechanismus der Goldresistenz in Cupriavidus metalliduransWiesemann, Nicole
2015Analysis of phylogenetic relationships of Hordeum (Poaceae) polyploidsBrassac, Jonathan
2015Genetic diversity and performance of early life stages in natural and afforested populations of two important conifer trees in Syria - implication for conservation ; [kumulative Dissertation]Al-Hawija, Batoul
2015N remobilisation during barley grain filling and the influence of sink-strength alteration in developing wheat grains - [kumulative Dissertation]Kohl, Stefan
2015Heterologe Expression hochmolekularer repetitiver Spinnenseiden-basierter Proteine in planta sowie deren mechanische und immunologische Charakterisierung [kumulative Dissertation]Hauptmann, Valeska
2015Strukturelle und funktionelle Untersuchung von Porinen der äußeren Membran pathogener BakterienKattner, Christof
2015Über den strukturellen Aufbau und die Dynamik von Saccharid/Proteinmischungen in Lösung und im FestkörperHackel, Christiane
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 164