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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 41 bis 60 von 142
2017Impact of specialised sugar beet crop rotations on soil fertility parameters and on yield and yield stability of sugar beetGötze, Philipp
2017Utilizing a wild barley nested association mapping (NAM) population for genome-wide association studies - [kumulative Dissertation]Maurer, Andreas
2017Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung des Vitamin D-Rezeptors für den Intestinaltrakt am murinen VersuchsmodellKühne, Hagen
2017Changes in the mineral assemblage of paddy soils upon redox cyclesVogelsang, Vanessa
2017Innovations and food chain actors‘ behavior - [kumulative Habilitation]Bavorová, Miroslava
2017Potentials and limits of genomics-assisted wheat breedingHe, Sang
2016Above-ground interactions and yield effects in a short rotation alley-cropping agroforestry systemLamerre, Justine
2017Klasse I-Histondeacetylasen koordinieren Virulenz im Maispathogen Colletotrichum graminicolaMickel, Alexander
2017Physiological and genetic analyses for the determination of grain number in wheatGuo, Zifeng
2017Genetic erosion in crop wild relatives - wild barley, Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum, a case study in Jordan ; [kumulative Dissertation]Thormann, Imke
2017Identifizierung einer bioaktiven Komponente in der BrotkrusteKatzberg, Sandy
2017Association genetics of biomass development under drought stress using high-throughput phenotyping in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)Dhanagond, Sidram
2016Deletion mutagenesis of two ABC transporter genes in Fusarium graminearum and characterisation of their roles in azole tolerance and virulenceAbou Ammar, Ghada
2016Silicon cycling in Southeast-Asian paddy soilsKlotzbücher, Anika
2017Analysis of two exceptional chromosome-types in plantsMa, Wei
2016Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Myokinen und Adipokinen mit Bedeutung für die Körperzusammensetzung beim RindSchering, Lisa
2016Entstehung und Produktivität von Agroholdingkonstruktionen - theoretische Ansätze und empirische UntersuchungenHahlbrock, Konstantin
2016Effects of an exogenous fibrolytic enzyme additive on ruminal fermentation, nutrient digestion, performance and health status in early and mid-lactation dairy cows - [kumulative Dissertation]Peters, Anja
2016Calcium signal generation and transient receptor potential channel homologues in the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum graminicola - [kumulative Dissertation]Lange, Mario
2016Methodic investigations on the suitability of plant and synthetic n-alkanes as markers to predict feed intake and digestibility in horses - [kumulative Dissertation]Bachmann, Martin
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 41 bis 60 von 142