Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften : [553] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 553
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024The essential function of neuroplastins for fertility and associative memories in miceChen, Ella Juanjuan
2025Neuroplastin and Plasma Membrane Ca2+ ATPases in murine macrophages : a phenotypical analysisTiwari, Nikhil
2024Prospective and deep learning based retrospective motion correction for brain magnetic resonance imagingSciarra, Alessandro
2024Contributions of configuration, individual location, and reference frame in contextual guided visual searchZheng, Lei
2024Pericyte and microglia reprogramming in hypertensive cerebral small vessel diseaseMorton Moreno, Lorena
2024Interplay of enriched housing and brevican/neurocan deficiency in modulating brain structure and cognition in aged miceNebel, Jana
2024The role of mast cell-derived tumor necrosis factor in the resolution of hapten-induced skin inflammationVoss, Martin Andreas
2024The functional roles of atypical IkB family members in macrophagesMatthies, Anne-Marie
2024Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation : new vistas in assessing the consequences and underlying principlesWienke, Christian
2024Optische Eigenschaften von Gruppe-III Sesquioxiden und deren LegierungenKluth, Elias
2024Sustained effects of influenza A virus infection on allergic airway inflammation in two mouse models with a focus on macrophages and dendritic cellsCamp, Belinda
2024Analyse der Todesrezeptor-Signalwege und deren ModifikationenWohlfromm, Fabian
2024Spatial and non-spatial memory subnetworks in the medial temporal lobe : focus on the dentate gyrusKayumova, Rukhshona
2024Characterising the neural compass across the human lifespan : a multimethod investigationBernard, Matthieu
2024Die Reduzierung der REDD1 Expression : eine neue, nicht-kanonische Funktion von STAT3Köhler, Nadine
2024Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen des neuromodulatorischen Einfluss von Dopamin und Noradrenalin auf die synaptische Plastizität von Schaffer-Collateral-CA1 Synapsen des murinen HippocampusKlausch, Monique
2024The impact of respiratory motion on electromagnetic fields at ultra-high field cardiac magnetic resonance imagingSchön, Natalie
2024On radio-frequency implant safety in parallel transmission MRIPetzold, Johannes
2024Role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) variants in amygdala-dependent fear memory and extinction learning in miceVuyyuru, Harish
2024The role of the frontopolar cortex in the exploratory redistribution of attentional resourcesGüldener, Lasse
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 553