Informatik, Informationswissenschaft, allgemeine Werke
: [10]
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10
| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
 | 2018 | Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms for the uniform sampling of combinatorial objects | Rechner, Steffen |
 | 2017 | New approaches for de-novo motif discovery using phylogenetic footprinting - from data acquisition to motif visualization ; [kumulative Dissertation] | Nettling, Arthur Martin |
 | 2017 | Study of small non-coding RNAs in plants by developing novel pipelines | Patra Bhattacharya, Deblina |
 | 2017 | Untersuchungen über den Einfluss des IGF2 mRNA-bindenden Proteins 1 auf in-vitro-Tumorzellmigration mit Methoden der digitalen Bildverarbeitung und Genexpressionsanalysen | Glaß, Markus |
 | 2016 | A bioinformatic study on transcriptome conservation patterns in animal and plant development - [kumulative Dissertation] | Drost, Hajk-Georg |
 | 2016 | Visualisierung und grafische Anwendung von Kanalflächen | Bienert, Andreas |
 | 2012 | Integration, Kombination und Visualisierung multimodaler biologischer Experimentdaten | Rohn, Hendrik |
 | 2011 | Directed degree sequences | Berger, Annabell |
 | 2011 | Zentralitätsanalyse molekularbiologischer Netzwerke | Koschützki, Dirk |
 | 2011 | Bioinformatics approach for microRNA target prediction and functional analysis | Maragkakis, Emmanouil |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 10 of 10