Ökologie : [31] Homepage der Sammlung

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Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 1 bis 20 von 31
2019Using global indicators to inform the conservation of high nature value areasLeberger, Roxanne Edith Ophélie
2018Untersuchungen zum Erhalt des Lebensraumtyps „Magere Flachlandmähwiese“ auf Niedermoorgrünland im Naturpark Ohre - DrömlingSchob, Stefan
2019Plant functional composition as a tool for the assessment of grassland restoration successEngst, Karina
2019Eco-evolutionary processes in natural populations at the opposing extremes of demographic success : invasive and declining plant species in the era of anthropogenic global changeLachmuth, Susanne
2018Meta-analysis in forest biodiversity-ecosystem functioning researchKambach, Stephan
2007Diversität, antagonistisches Potential und Pathogenität von Mikroorganismen aus dem Boden und der Phyllosphäre von Apfelanlagen : [kumulative Dissertation]Kucheryava, Nataliya
2019The effects of landscape heterogeneity on arthropod communities in rice agro-ecosystemsDominik, Christophe
2016The ecological and evolutionary significance of inbreeding x environment interactions for the success of biological invasions - [kumulative Dissertation]Schrieber, Karin
2016The potential of polyploidy to counteract the negative consequences of demographic disequilibria in colonizing populations - empirical insights from diploid and tetraploid Centaurea stoebeRosche, Christoph
2016The shaping of Tibetan grasslands - combined effects of livestock-grazing and environment ; a multi-site, interdisciplinary studyWang, Yun
2015The relationship between fundamental and realized niches in plant species' frost hardinessHofmann, Maria
2015Plant species origin, herbivory and disturbance - effects on seedling recruitment and consequences for grassland diversity and productivity ; [kumulative Dissertation]Korell, Lotte
2015Stomatal control, xylem hydraulics and leaf morphology in the 40 BEF-China tree species - trait interrelationships, functional diversity and tree growth prediction ; [kumulative Dissertation]Kröber, Wenzel
2015Seed dispersal by birds in tropical montane forests - towards a functional understanding of seed-dispersal effectiveness after deforestation ; [kumulative Dissertation]Saavedra Agramont, Francisco
2014Factors limiting forest regeneration in bracken-dominated areas in the tropical montane forest of Bolivia - [kumulative Dissertation]Gallegos Ayala, Silvia Cecilia
2014Stress gradients - drivers of functional diversity and genetic patterns of woody species in tropical montane forest (Bolivia) - a link to edge effectsApaza Quevedo, Amira Elvia
2014Plant polyphenols in the context of biodiversity-ecosystem functioningEichenberg, David
2014Effects of deforestation and climate change on tropical montane forests - a case study from the Bolivian Andes ; [kumulative Dissertation]Lippok, Denis
2013Reproductive ecology and genetic structure of understorey herbs in the Atlantic Rain forest of BrazilStein, Katharina
2012Molecular ecology of Eusocial Hymenoptera in the Tropics - from mating strategy to population structure ; [kumulative Habilitation]Kraus, Frank Bernhard
Ressourcen der Sammlung (Nach Einreichdatum - absteigend sortiert): 1 bis 20 von 31