Ökologie : [31] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 31 of 31
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012Sustainable land use trough wind power - a conflict between climate protection and nature conservation ; [kumulative Dissertation]Eichhorn, Marcus
2012The role of evolutionary processes in plant invasionsErfmeier, Alexandra
2012Verwundbarkeit der Umwelt gegenüber Hochwasserereignissen - eine Untersuchung auf kommunaler EbeneMeisel, Kathleen
2011Population ecology of Stipa species in Mongolian drylands/ von Katrin RonnenbergRonnenberg, Katrin
2012Causes for the invasion success of Rosa rubiginosa L. in ArgentinaZimmermann, Heike
2011The importance of gap dynamics for the reproduction of clonal plant species in natural forests in the Harz National ParkPatsias, Kathrin
2011Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning across structural strata in subtropical forests in China - the interplay of herbaceous and woody species richnessBoth, Sabine
2011Testing the ecological and genetic predictions of the abundant centre hypothesis - a case study of a Eurasian steppe plantWagner, Viktoria
2010Detektion von Schwermetallkontaminationen in den Elb- und Muldeauen mittels Parametrisierung des spektralen Verhaltens der VegetationGötze, Christian
2010The role of gap dynamics for the regeneration of the natural spruce forests in the Harz MountainsKathke, Sabine
2010Die postwendezeitliche Stadtentwicklung und ihre Auswirkungen auf das urbane Ökosystem - dargestellt am Beispiel der Städte Halle (Deutschland) und Poznan (Polen)Skupin, Tina
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 31 of 31