Fakultät für Mathematik : [168] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 168
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Error estimates for a finite difference approximation of mean curvature flow for surfaces of torus typeMierswa, Alina
2020Mixed lattice polytope theory with a view towards sparse polynomial systemsBorger, Christopher
2020Determining the cycle structure of permutation polynomials of shape x t + γTr (x k)Gerike, Daniel
2020Geometry of optimal design and limit theoremsRöttger, Frank
2020Structure-preserving model order reduction for network systemsMlinarić, Petar
2020Optimale Versuchsplanung für Zähldaten mit zufälligen BlockeffektenSchmidt, Marius
2019Die Zeitseparationstechnik : eine effiziente modellbasierte Rekonstruktionstechnik für die computertomographische PerfusionsbildgebungBannasch, Sebastian
2019Locally optimal designs for generalized linear models with applications to gamma modelsIdais, Osama
2019Optimal designs for paired comparison experimentsNyarko, Eric
2019Selected initial and boundary value problems for hyperbolic systems and kinetic equationsKunik, Matthias
2019Extended formulations for higher order polytopes in combinatorial optimizationFriesen, Mirjam
2019On vibration analysis and reduction for damped linear systemsDenißen, Jonas
2019Tightening the Chvátal and split operator via low-codimensional lineality spacesKeller, Wolfgang
2019Fast solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation by the reduced basis method and range-separated canonical tensor formatKweyu, Cleophas Muganda
2019Solution techniques for the blocking job shop scheduling problem with total tardiness minimizationLange, Julia
2019Efficient numerical methods to solve the viscous-plastic sea ice model at high spatial resolutionsMehlmann, Carolin
2019Algebraic methods for the study of multistationarity in mass-action networksIosif, Alexandru
2019Topics in statistical minimax hypothesis testingGutzeit, Maurilio
2019Eine abstrakte Implementierung der Low-Rank ADI Iteration für Lyapunovgleichungen in pyMORBalicki, Linus
2019Estimating multiple structural breaks in time series - a generalized MOSUM approach based on estimating functionsReckrühm, Kerstin
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 168