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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 542
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Task rule and choice are reflected by layer-specific processing in rodent auditory cortical microcircuitsZempeltzi, Maria
2020Hepatocyte-specific role of the deubiquitinating enzyme OTUB1 during inflammatory liver diseasesKoschel, Josephin
2020Influence of the intestinal microbiota composition on the individual susceptibility towards enteric infections in healthy individuals and hematological patientsOsbelt, Lisa
2020The ADAP/SKAP55-module regulates F-actin cytoskeleton reorganization through the interaction with Ena/VASP proteinsDegen, Janine
2020Die Rolle des Pulvinars bei der Verarbeitung von Distraktoren und visueller SucheGriep, Hendrik
2020Matrix metalloproteinase-9-mediated Syndecan-4 shedding correlates with osteoarthritis severityBollmann, Miriam
2020Verhaltens- und molekularbiologische Untersuchungen zur Grundlage der Toleranz gegenüber serotonergen HalluzinogenenBuchborn, Tobias
2020Behavioral and optogenetic analyses of reinforcement processing in larval DrosophilaWeiglein, Aliće
2020Dopaminergic influence on cortical processing in rodents by optogenetic stimulation of the ventral tegmental areaBrunk, Michael G. K.
2020Struktur und Dynamik der neuromuskulären Synapse von Drosophila melanogaster : Untersuchungen am Dlg-Gerüstkomplex mittels hochauflösender Lichtmikroskopie und 3D/4D-BildanalysenKobler, Oliver
2020Visual attention and memory under central vision lossGeringswald, Franziska
2020Dendritic cell-specific function of OTUB1 in inflammation and infectionMulas, Floriana
2020Structural and functional brain changes after a 40-days short-term mindfulness meditation trainingYang, Chuan-Chih
2020Unraveling the potential of human chorionic gonadotropin as an approach for the treatment of multiple sclerosis using a mouse modelEhrentraut, Stefanie
2020Die Aufnahme ultrahochaufgelöster Magnetresonanztomographiedaten des menschlichen Gehirns in vivo und deren quantitative AnalyseLüsebrink, Jann Falk Silvester
2020Optische Untersuchung von semipolaren InGaN/GaN-Quantengräben mit der Kristallorientierung (202̄1̄) und (202̄1)Freytag, Stefan
2019Mental retardation-related protease neurotrypsin in spinogenesis, synaptic plasticity and learningFerrer Ferrer, Maura
2020Hypervirulent Clostridioides difficile induces a multifaceted response in human mucosal-associated invariant T cellsMarquardt, Isabel Loreen
2020Role of retrosplenial cortex in context discrimination and the underlying neuronal coding in mouse (mus musculus)Sun, Weilun
2020Neural mechanisms of global attention-, and reward-related selection in human visual cortexGarcía Lázaro, Haydée Guadalupe
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 542